Take your website from "just sitting there, not doing much" to conversion-optimized and start getting more eyes 👀 on it with these 6 steps.

*Thinking of starting a website? These tips will help you too!


From how your services are packaged to how you present yourself, your messaging may be the missing piece if your website is not driving sales!


This is the design portion that focuses on how your website is actually set up. There are many common mistakes that lead to people dropping away before they even read your copy!


On-point messaging + optimized design will not equal sales unless you are driving traffic to your website and following up with your leads.

Kara Ferreira

Website & Online Business Creatrix

Hello! I'm Kara, online business mentor to service providers looking to gain traction online so that they can have more freedom and flexibility.

For years I was just a website designer, but then I saw so many of my clients invest in websites that didn't actually work. They failed to attract the right clients, or failed to get them to take that first step towards a purchase. I HATED knowing that these people had paid for a website only to have their business fail.

So I started studying that. A LOT. And it became very clear that in order to have a successful online business you need a GOOD website, and you also need a strategy to leverage it. Now I work with them on both: the website and the strategy. I'm pleased to report that everyone's businesses are doing much better!

I also specialize in helping "non-techie" or "techie-light" folks set up online so that they can manage all of their online business tools themselves.

You can learn more about me at Kara + Co Creative.

6 strategic steps to winning clients

You don't have to do everything. You just have to get the basics right.


This is square-one. Before we can work on anything else, we need to make sure that your services are packages in a clear way that demonstrates value to your right-fit clients.

Sales system

The next step is making sure that you can ask for the sale with confidence. I'll breakdown different sales methods and even provide a model transcript for calls! Don't worry, the goal here is for you to feel confident, not salesy.


A lot of people do "Branding", but the truth is that your colors, fonts, logo and other brand assets are just one piece of your Brand Positioning. I'll share what this is, why it's important, and how you can do it.


Have you heard the stat that it takes 7 interactions with a brand before someone makes a purchase? This is where email marketing comes in. We'll make email your sales MVP.


Clear design will triumph over fancy every day of the week. We'll make sure that your website is conversion-optimized with clear Calls-to-Action and guides customers to the offers meant for them.


Now that everything else is set up, it's time to make sure people are coming to your website. We'll talk about all the digital marketing options, some will include social media and other will not.

This is how you get your systems set up to support your business while you sleep and maximize all of your marketing efforts to get right-fit clients through your internet door.

1.5 Hours of Instruction PLUS

• Worksheets

• Action Tracker

• FB Group Access for Continued Support

Here’s what my wonderful clients have said from past 1:1 work and previous course offerings:

I HIGHLY recommend working with Kara if you are in need of setting up a quality website but have ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA how to make your vision come to life! I feel like not only do I have a beautiful website that I could have never created myself but also the tools to start to begin to manage the website myself thanks to Kara’s guidance and support.

- Hope griffith

For a long time, I was daunted by the idea of creating my own website and I could not be more grateful that I found Kara. She made the whole process very simple, organized and straightforward.


Get the six-step method to launching (or re-launching) a strategic website that wins you clients:

Disclaimer - This workshop will provide actionable steps to gain more traction with your website as a service-based solopreneur. There is A LOT of material to cover and I will provide the instruction in a 90-minute window. For those who would like more guidance and support and the complete framework, I will briefly mention my 4-Month Guided Online Business Program and provide a special bonus at the end of the masterclass.

Kara Ferreira LLC - All Rights Reserved - Terms & Conditions